Ownership of website
Familia Martínez Zabala provides the User/s of this website http://visitabodegasgrupofaustino.com/ (the Website) with the following general information, in accordance with article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
• Name of the company: Familia Martínez Zabala, S.A.
• Tax Identification number: CIF B-012477177.• Registered address: Gumiel de Izán, Crta. Antigua Carretera N-1, Km. 170,• Entry in the Mercantile Registry: Familia Martínez Zabala is registered in the Burgos Mercantile Register, Volume 609, Book 400, Folio 9, Sheet BU-7.419, inscription one.• Contact email: For any inquiries, the User may contact Familia Martínez Zabala at the following email address: visitas@grupofaustino.es
Below are the general terms of use of the Website, which you (the User) must adhere to at all times, as well as information on how your personal data is processed and other relevant issues:
The contents of the sections of our Website will be accessed in accordance with the policy established by the company. Familia Martínez Zabala may modify, at any time and without prior notice, the information contained in this Website, and therefore the company is not responsible for ensuring that this information is up to date.
Your access and use of the Website presupposes that you accept these terms in full and undertake to comply fully with these conditions of use, which therefore you must read carefully.
Both the access to this Website and any use made of the information therein is your sole responsibility.
Familia Martínez Zabala will not be held liable for any consequence, loss or damage that may arise from such access or use of the information. Familia Martínez Zabala will not be held liable for possible security errors that may arise, nor for any damage caused to the User's IT system (hardware and software), or saved files and documents in the same, as a consequence of a virus on the User's computer when connected to the services and content of the Website, or for malfunction of the browser, or use of non-updated versions of the same.
Therefore, the User expressly and unreservedly accepts that access to the use of the portal is made under his or her sole responsibility.
In any case, the User is responsible for the veracity of the data provided, and Familia Martínez Zabala reserves the right to exclude from the registered services all users who have entered false data, without prejudice to other legal actions this may incur.
By virtue of Law 34/2002 of 11th July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, any dispute that may arise will be subject to Spanish law.
Familia Martínez Zabala is the owner and/or licensor of all information contained in the portal, for the graphic design, images, databases, indexes, source codes, trademarks and logos, which are protected according to provisions in the Law of Intellectual Property and Trademark Law.
Under no circumstance does access and use imply transfer of ownership or granting a right of use to the User; therefore, all reproduction, copying, total or partial distribution or commercialization will require prior, written authorisation from Familia Martínez Zabala, and if undue use is made of the Website, the company reserves the right to take whatever legal actions it deems necessary to repair the loss or damage caused. In addition, the user will be obliged to indemnify the company for any loss or damages he or she may cause when using this Website in breach of these general conditions and/or current legislation.
Payments made by credit card through this website will be effected in the virtual Point of Sale (POS) of the winery corresponding to the purchased activity:
- Bodegas Faustino S.L.
- Tax ID Number: B01235308
- Ctra de Logroño s/n, 01320, Oyón Álava, Spain.
- Telephone: 945622500
- Bodegas Portia S. L.
- Tax ID: B01247717
- Antigua Road N-1, Km. 170, 09370, Gumiel de Izán, Burgos, Spain
- Telephone: 947102700
- Bodegas Campillo S. L.
- Tax ID: B01040476
- Santa Lucía, 01300, Laguardia, Álava, Spain
- telephone: 945600826